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Return cash to the customer

Cash Refunds (Paid at Time of Sale)
Not all companies will do cash refunds; this will depend on the users internal policy. 
Note: It is very important to establish an internal policy on Cash refunds to avoid fraud.

Simple Refund (Same Day Refund)
A simple refund means the customer purchased the goods with cash and then returned the items within the same day. In this case the salesperson can use a negative quantity on items being returned to put them back in inventory, which will create a negative sale. Close out the sale with the negative dollar amount and select the same method of payment as received earlier.

The negative “sale” will appear in Deposits to properly account for the voided Credit Card, missing Cash or even returned Check.
member DO Note give CASH if a customer paid with a Check and that check has not cleared your Bank!  
Refer toRefund Check to Customer on FileandRefund Check to Customer not on Filefor details on issuing Refund Checks.

The example of a CASH refund with a check shows that the customer purchased $43.74 in items earlier in the day, and returned $43.74 in items later in the day.

  • 561
  • 26-May-2020