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04/30/2018 - Release Version 2.1.1041

Summary release notes for 2.1.1041

released on 4/30/2018

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Product Backlog Item 5089: Product Backlog Item 5089 - Expand credit limit to hold up to 9,999,999 value

Bug 7682: Bug 7682 - When running a Year end, indexes are not being rebuilt in the main directory year end folder, causing issue when trying to access previous year files

Product Backlog Item 7814: Special Needs Item 7814 - Certain Pluss Commerce data is not included in traditional Vision Backups

Bug 7925: Bug 7925 - Multi-store only - Using the F12 Stores when using only multi-stores and no branching does not move/create the core part

Bug 8399: Bug 8399 - When same part is on 2 different labor ops and then the part is back ordered, when the part goes back to the invoice, we are putting both qty on the same line

Detailed release notes for 2.1.1041


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Product Backlog Item 5089 - Expand credit limit to hold up to 9,999,999 value

APPLICATION:  PTM Vision/Customer File 

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  The Cred. Limit field in the Customer file has been expanded from 999,999.99 to 9,999,999.99.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>


<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision.

  2. Select C. Customer File.

  3. Select F2. New.

  4. Enter Customer Demographic details.

  5. In the Cred. Limit field, enter the following value: 9999999.99.

    1. Verify the full value is accepted.

  6. Select F4. Edit.

    1. Verify the full value is saved.

  7. Select PgDn/PgUp.

    1. Verify when returning to the Customer file with the 9,999,999.99 credit limit after accessing other Customer files, the value is still 9,999,999.99.



<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Bug 7682 - When running a Year end, indexes are not being rebuilt in the main directory year end folder, causing issue when trying to access previous year files

APPLICATION:  PTM Vision/Year end process 

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  When running a Year end, indexes are not being rebuilt in the main directory year end folder, causing issue when trying to access previous year files.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**No Testing Required. The year end process is only done at a very set time of the year and cannot be ran again once complete.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

**No testing is required**



<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Special Needs Item 7814 - Certain Pluss Commerce data is not included in traditional Vision Backups

APPLICATION:  PTM Vision/Offsite Backup 

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  Adding Guest page and Web Category databases to the Offsite back.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

NOTE: No testing required; this process only occurs during the Offsite backup process and does not require any additional testing.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

No Testing Required



<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Bug 7925 - Multi-store only - Using the F12 Stores when using only multi-stores and no branching does not move/create the core part

APPLICATION:  PTM Vision/Inventory/Store Inventory

PROBLEM SUMMARY: When transfering a part that has a core charge to a store inventory, the core part was not being created in the Store inventory.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**If not using Multi-Inventory, no testing is required.

**If using BOTH Branching and Multi-Inventory, no testing is required.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision.

  2. Select I. Inventory.

  3. F10. Search.

  4. Locate a Part with a Core charge that only exists in the Main inventory.

  5. Select F12. Store.

  6. Select M. Move.

  7. Enter a Qty to move.

  8. Enter the Store letter and select Ok.

  9. Select F10. Search.

  10. Enter in the name of the Core part.

    1. Verify in the list of Inventory items. the Core part is shown for the Inventory where the item was moved.


  • Multi-store Module

<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Bug 8399 - When same part is on 2 different labor ops and then the part is back ordered, when the part goes back to the invoice, we are putting both qty on the same line

APPLICATION:   PTM Vision/Open Orders and Purchase Orders

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  When the same part was on two different labor operations on the same work order and then those parts were back ordered, the purchase order system was not fulfilling the back order correctly on the work order when received.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

  • Must have the following features active in order to perform the following tests.

    • 2,8: Group parts to labor operations.

  • NOTE: If not using the above features, no testing is required.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision.

  2. Select O. Open Orders.

  3. Select the Work orders tab.

  4. F2. New.

  5. Enter customer account information.

  6. In the Input field, enter a Labor operation.

  7. Right click on the LOP to set it a he active labor op.

  8. In the Input field, enter a Non-inventory part.

  9. Enter a Desc and Cost.

  10. Select Ok to save the Non-inventory part to the work order.

  11. Select No to the dialog that states "You are selling a non stocking part, do you want to backorder this item now?

  12. In the Input field, enter a different Labor operation.

  13. Right click on the Labor op to set it as active. (LOP2)

  14. Add the same Non-inventory part from step 8.

  15. Add a Desc and Cost.

  16. Select Ok to save.

  17. Select No to the dialog that states "You are selling a non stocking part, do you want to backorder this item now?

  18. Line up on the part under the 1st labor operation and change the backorder qty to 1.

  19. Set a supplier, but do not add/edit a Core charge.

  20. Line up on the part under the 2nd labor operation and change the backorder qty to 1.

  21. Select F11. PO.

  22. Select O to order on the first part.

  23. Select O to order the second part.

  24. Select R to receive on the first part.

  25. Select R to receive on the second part.

  26. Select F8. Process to complete the Purchase order process.

  27. Return to the invoice.

    1. Verify that both parts back order qty has been removed and the order has been fulfilled correctly.



  • 2,8: Group parts to labor operations.

<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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  • 07-Jan-2019