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04/16/2018 - Release Version 2.1.1040

Summary release notes for 2.1.1040

released on 4/16/2018

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Bug 8118: Bug 8118 - PTO is calculating when it should not be

Bug 8495: Bug 8495 - Update 941 form for 2018

Detailed release notes for 2.1.1040


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Bug 8118 - PTO is calculating when it should not be

APPLICATION: PTM Vision/Accounting System/Payroll  

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  PTO was being incorrectly calculated to include Overtime hours when it should not have been.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**NOTE: If not using the Payroll Integration, no testing is required.

**In the Earnings Master File, if OVERHRS/OVERHOURS/OVERSALARY is included, the PTO will use the hours + employees regular hours to calculate PTO

**If in the Earnings Master File, OVERTIME is used, the hours are NOT include in the PTO calculation.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision.

  2. Select A. Accounting System.

  3. Select G. Payroll.

  4. Select A. Enter Payroll.

  5. Say No to the dialog message that states "Restore from previous session?"

  6. Select Ok to the date picker window.

  7. Select No to any dialog referencing Anniversary Date for an employee.

  8. Select No to the dialog message that states "Restore defaults?"

  9. Once within Payroll, select an Employee that has Overtime, but should not be adding the Overtime hours to the PTO calculation.

    1. OVERTIME = Is not included in the PTO calculation.

    2. OVERHRS/OVERHOURS/OVERSALARY = Is included in the PTO calculation.

    3. **NOTE: If OVERHOURS/OVERHRS/OVERSALARY is used, the amount of PTO calculated will be higher that if the Overhours are NOT included in the PTO calculation.

  10. Select F8. Process.

  11. Select Yes to the dialog message that states " Continue Processing Payroll?"

  12. Select Ok to the Printer dialog popup.

  13. Select Screen on the Print/Screen/Cancel popup.

  14. Select Ok on the Printer dialog popup.

  15. Line up on the Employee from step 9.

  16. Select F11. Earnings.

  17. Locate the PTO line.

    1. - Verify the PTO has been calculated to include the overhours in the PTO calculation.


  • PTM Vision Payroll Integration

<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Bug 8495 - Update 941 form for 2018

APPLICATION:   PTM Vision/Accounting System/Payroll

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  941 Form Update for 2018 Year.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**If not using the Payroll Integration in Vision, no testing is required.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision.

  2. Select A. Accounting System.

  3. Select G. Payroll System.

  4. Select H. Prepare/Review 941.

  5. Enter 1 for First quarter form and select Ok.

  6. Select Ok on the date picker window.

    1. You may change dates here if needed, but the First quarter dates have been defaulted.

  7. Select A. Print 2018 941.

  8. Select Yes to the dialog message that states “It is recommended that you read through and utilize the IRS 941 instructions while using this utility. Would you like to view them now?”

    1. Selecting Yes opens up a web browser with the current 941 form instructions from the IRS.

    2. NOTE: If you select No to this dialog, the 941 instructions are not opened.

  9. Verify all information on the form is correct and select F7. Print at the bottom of the form window.

  10. Select A. Print Page 1 of 941.

    1. Verify all dates and information are correct and select the Exit icon on the report view toolbar.

  11. Select F7. Print again.

  12. Select B. Print Pay 2 of 941.

  13. Select A. I am a monthly depositor.

    1. You may select A, B, or C for your specific needs; A is used only for testing purposes.

  14. Enter in Values in the Monthly values popup and select Ok.

    1. Verify the information and dates are correct on the form.


  • Payroll Integration

<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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