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04/10/2018 - Release Version 2.1.1039

Summary release notes for 2.1.1039

released on 4/10/2018

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Bug 7746: Bug 7746 - GCommerce - PO EDI document record count incorrect

Bug 8149: Bug 8149 - Date range not being correctly applied to the Report Payroll report

Bug 8208: Bug 8208 - Commerce Site - Site Pages - Edit - Insert Image - Select Image, tries to load but only loads a x filler and cant find image

Bug 8267: Bug 8267 - Cores: When a return is done on an invoice from History (CTRL+H) for a core part and Alt+P is used on the core return, the Core return is not created in Purchase orders.

Bug 8282: Bug 8282 - Aurora: PO Integration Remove "VP*" tag when we do not have a vendor part# replacement

Bug 8290: Cashdrawers are not opening over RDP connections.

Bug 8349: Bug 8349 - Bug in FTP upload does not allow FTP in branch setup.

Bug 8402: Bug 8402 - AURORA: When using a Current username/pass and nothing is in the Master username/pass, we see a username/password error dialog when trying to check Availability/Pricing from Inventory

Bug 8408: Bug 8404 - AURORA: When using the ALT+? functionality (Check Pricing) we need to remove the Fleet perform pricing dialog from the popup since this is based on Customer and the only place we should be able to see that Fleet pricing is from the Invoice

Product Backlog Item 8491: Bug 8491 - Aurora : Customer Pickup option needed from purchase order

Detailed release notes for 2.1.1039


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Bug 7746 - GCommerce - PO EDI document record count incorrect

APPLICATION:   PTM Vision/Purchase Orders (GCommerce Integration)

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  The file created when sending a Purchase Order using the G-Commerce Integration

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**In order to test, the Gcommerce Purchase Order Integration must be enabled; If not using Gcommerce, no testing is required.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision.

  2. Select P. Purchase orders.

  3. Select F2. New.

  4. Create a Purchase order for a Vendor that is set up to use the Gcommerce Integration.

    1. Verify the Purchase order is received by the Vendor without error.


3,43 - Gcommerce Purchase Order Integration

3,64 - Gcommerce Integration Ftp Password

3,63 - Gcommerce Integration Ftp Username

3,66 - Gcommerce Override Ship To Address

3,73 - Vendors that use Gcommerce Integration Production Server

<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>


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Bug 8149 - Date range not being correctly applied to the Report Payroll report

APPLICATION: PTM Vision/Accounting/Payroll  

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  When the Report payroll report was being ran and a date range was entered, the date range was not being applied to the report.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**If Vision Payroll is not being used, no testing is required.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision.

  2. Select A. Accounting.

  3. Select G. Payroll.

  4. Select C. Report Payroll.

  5. Select C. By Date and enter in a date range.

  6. Select Ok.

  7. Select G. Workers Comp %.

  8. Select Yes to the dialog message “Do you want to limit by date range?”

  9. Select Ok to the following date range popup.

    1. Verify the date range shown in the upper left corner of the report is the same date range entered in step 5.

    2. Verify the data shown is correct for the date range selected.


  • PTM Vision Payroll Module

<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Bug 8208 - Commerce Site - Site Pages - Edit - Insert Image - Select Image, tries to load but only loads a x filler and cant find image

APPLICATION:   PTM Vision/Commerce Site/Site pages

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  When adding any additional images to a page on the Pluss Commerce site, the image was not being correctly uploaded.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**If Pluss Commerce is not utilized, no testing is required; Core functionality should not be affected.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision.

  2. Select Commerce Site from the toolbar.

  3. Select Site Pages.

  4. Line up on a Page that is currently active and select Edit.

  5. Select the Insert Image icon and select an image to add.

  6. Once the image has been added, select Save in order to upload the image to the Pluss commerce site.

    1. To verify, access the Pluss commerce site and access the page that the image was uploaded to; Verify the image is shown and is the correct image.

    2. Note: Using an image reference within HTML is also allowed:

      1. Select the HTML icon.

      2. Within the HTML code, insert an img ref tag.

      3. Select Save.

        1. Verify the img ref has been correctly converted.

        2. Access Pluss Commerce and verify the image is shown.


3,23 - Allow PTM Vision to connect to PlussNet

<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Bug 8267 - Cores: When a return is done on an invoice from History (CTRL+H) for a core part and Alt+P is used on the core return, the Core return is not created in Purchase orders.

APPLICATION:   PTM Vision/Open Orders and Purchase Orders

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  When a return is done on an invoice from History (CTRL+H) for a core part and Alt+P is used on the core return, the Core return is not created in Purchase orders.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>


<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision.

  2. Select O. Open orders.

  3. Select F2. New.

  4. Enter a Customer account number.

  5. Add a stocking part with a core.

  6. Return 0 dirty cores.

  7. Once the items are on the invoice, line up on the Core part, and select Ctrl+H.

  8. Select Yes to limit to this customer, and then select Ok on the next box.

  9. Line up on the core item and select F11 to return.

  10. Once back on the invoice, line up on dirty core return and select ALT+P.

    1. Verify a Core return is created in Purchase orders.



<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Bug 8282 - Aurora: PO Integration Remove "VP*" tag when we do not have a vendor part# replacement

APPLICATION:   PTM Vision/Purchase Orders/Aurora Integration

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  This item relates to future programming and has not yet been released. No testing is required.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**No Testing Required

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>




<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Bug 8349 - Bug in FTP upload does not allow FTP in branch setup.

APPLICATION:   PTM Vision/FTP Uploads - Branching

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  An issue was found in FTP uploads when using Branching functionality in Vision. This fix should not affect normal functionality of most all customers.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

--No testing is required. PTM Vision should function as usual.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>




<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>


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Bug 8402 - AURORA: When using a Current username/pass and nothing is in the Master username/pass, we see a username/password error dialog when trying to check Availability/Pricing from Inventory

APPLICATION:   PTM Vision/Purchase Orders/Aurora Integration

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  This item relates to future programming and has not yet been released. No testing is required.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**No Testing Required; Core programming should not be affected.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>




<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Bug 8404 - AURORA: When using the ALT+? functionality (Check Pricing) we need to remove the Fleet perform pricing dialog from the popup since this is based on Customer and the only place we should be able to see that Fleet pricing is from the Invoice

APPLICATION:   PTM Vision/Purchase Orders/Aurora Integration

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  This item relates to future programming and has not yet been released. No testing is required.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**No Testing Required; Core programming should not be affected.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>




<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Bug 8491 - Aurora : Customer Pickup option needed from purchase order

APPLICATION:   PTM Vision/Purchase Orders/Aurora Integration

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  This item relates to future programming and has not yet been released. No testing is required.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**No Testing Required; Core programming should not be affected.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>




<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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