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10/25/2018 - Release Version 2.1.1066

Summary release notes for 2.1.1066

released on 10/25/2018

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Product Backlog Item 11776: Product Backlog - Omniview import : Change to allow custom GL and data directory

Bug 11812: Bug 11812:Negative margins are being changed to default margins when price changes are calculated.

Bug 11813: Bug 11813 - When making changes to pricing on existing inventory, it reverts margins to margins found on default line code.

Bug 11858: Bug 11858 - Issue with Custom check set to DDMMYY format, setting the system Date format to DDMMYY

Detailed release notes for 2.1.1066


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Product Backlog - Omniview import : Change to allow custom GL and data directory

APPLICATION:  PTM Vision/Omniview Imports

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  Omniview import :  Change to allow custom GL and data directory


<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**Only users of Omniview are affected by this change.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  • Feature 5.54 allows a user to create a custom Data Directory to store Omniview Imports/Archive files.

  • This feature allows a user of Omniview imports to customize a Customer’s GL account used.



5,55 - Omniview GL Account

5,56 - Omniview Data Directory


<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Bug 11812:Negative margins are being changed to default margins when price changes are calculated.

APPLICATION: PTM Vision/Inventory

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  When margins on a part went into a negative percentage, Vision was reverting the margins to the system defaults. This has been changed so that Vision no longer removes the negative margins.


<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>


<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision

  2. Create a part with a cost of $499

  3. Set the Wholesale cost to $375.1880

    1. Margin should be -33

  4. Set the Fleet Cost to $430.1724

    1. Margin should be -16

  5. Set the Retail Cost to $322.6667

    1. Margin should be -50

  6. Set the List cost to $399.2000

    1. Margin should be -25

  7. Select F4. Edit to save the new part.

  8. Select F4. edit and change the cost of the part to $299.

    1. Verify the prices have changed and the margins remain unchanged.



  • 3,2: On cost changes, Update margins

    • When cost is edited on a part, this feature forces the margins to recalculate to march the previously set selling prices.

      • Note: This feature works in conjunction with feature 3,3

  • 3,3: Prompt for Price/Margin

    • When cost is changed on a part in inventory, the system prompts to maintain margins or maintain selling prices.

      • Note: This feature turns the Yes/No prompt On/Off


<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Bug 11813 - When making changes to pricing on existing inventory, it reverts margins to margins found on default line code.

APPLICATION:  PTM Vision/Inventory 

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  When making changes to Cost on an existing Inventory item, margins were reverting to the first inventory item with the same line code if and when a Default Line code did not exist in the system


<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>


<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

Test Scenario #1:

  1. Access Vision

  2. I. Inventory

  3. Select F10. Search and locate a Linepart

  4. F4. Edit

  5. Edit the Cost.

  6. Leave the field - NOTE: Test tabbing from the field. pressing entered, and also mouse clicking to the Wholesale field.

  7. Select Yes to the dialog that states "Would you like to maintain current margins?"

    1. Verify the Pricing changes and the Margins remain unchanged.

Test Scenario #2:

  1. Access Vision

  2. I. Inventory

  3. Select F10. Search and locate a Linepart

  4. F4. Edit

  5. Edit the Cost.

  6. Leave the field - NOTE: Test tabbing from the field. pressing entered, and also mouse clicking to the Wholesale field.

  7. Select No to the dialog that states "Would you like to maintain current margins?"

    1. Verify the Margins chang and the Prices remain unchanged.



  • 3,2: On cost changed, Update Margins

    • When cost is edited on a part, this feature will force the margins to recalculate to match the previously set selling prices
      Note: This feature is to work in conjunction with feature 3,3

  • 3,3: Prompt for Price/Margin

    • When Cost is changed on a part in inventory, the system will prompt to maintain margins or maintain selling prices.
      Note: This feature turns the Yes/No Margin prompt On/Off


<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Bug 11858 - Issue with Custom check set to DDMMYY format, setting the system Date format to DDMMYY

APPLICATION: PTM Vision/Utilities/System Setup/Form Setup and PTM Vision/Accounting System/Check Register

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  When using a custom check format of DDMMYY, and a check was printed, the PTM Vision System date was being changed to that same format. This was causing issues with licensing of the PTM Vision program and causing additional freezing issues throughout the program.


<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**This change only affects systems using the Custom Check Format of DDMMYY; no other system functionality is affect and no testing is required if not using the date format mentioned.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision

  2. Select A. Accounting system

  3. Select C. Check register

  4. Select F4. Edit on a Checking account

  5. In the Check type dropdown, select the Custom check that uses the DDMMYY format

  6. Select Ok to save.

  7. Select Ok to enter Checking account

  8. Select F2. New to create a new check by entering a Check number, Amount, and an offsetting entry

    1. Offsetting entry would be forcing the system to create the Debit amount to offset the credit amount that was created when the check was created.

  9. Select F7. Print

    1. Verify the date on the check is in the DDMMYY format

  10. Exit the Check print view

    1. Verify when returned to the Edit check view, the date on the check view is still in the MMDDYY format.



  • Custom Check Setup


<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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