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08/07/2018 - Release Version 2.1.1055 (Hotfix)

Summary release notes for 2.1.1055

released on 8/7/2018 4

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Bug 11013: Bug 11013 - Open Orders/Backorder: When multiple backorders are on the same invoice, and the invoice is closed, we are only changing the reference in PO's for 1 of the items and not any others that may have been on the invoice

Detailed release notes for 2.1.1055


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Bug 11013 - Open Orders/Backorder: When multiple backorders are on the same invoice, and the invoice is closed, we are only changing the reference in PO's for 1 of the items and not any others that may have been on the invoice

APPLICATION: PTM Vision/Open Orders and Purchase Orders  

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  When multiple backorders are on the same invoice, and the invoice is closed, we are only changing the reference in PO's for 1 of the items and not any others that may have been on the invoice.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**If existing orders that have multiple backorders and those backordered parts were moved to a different invoice, please test the following scenario; if no orders exist in this condition, no testing is required.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision.

  2. Select O. Open Orders.

  3. Select Sales order tab.

  4. Select F2. New.

  5. Enter a Customer account.

  6. In the Input field, enter a part number with no in stock quantity.

  7. Select Yes to back order the part.

  8. Enter a valid supplier and select Ok.

  9. In the Input field, enter a part number with no in stock quantity.

  10. Select Yes to back order the part.

  11. Enter a valid supplier and select Ok.

  12. In the Input field, enter a part number with quantity in stock.

  13. Select Alt+F7, to print bill and close the order.

  14. Select Ok to the dialog that states “Caution! Back orders exist”

  15. Once the Invoice is closed, access Open orders and locate the newly created order containing the back ordered parts from the previous order.

  16. Select F11. PO.

    1. Verify you are taken to the parts in Purchase orders that are for the current invoice.

    2. Verify the Refer field has been changed to the newest Invoice number where the parts now exist.



<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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