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06/18/2018 - Release Version 2.1.1043

Summary release notes for 2.1.1043

released on 6/18/2018

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Bug 8266: Bug 8266 - When a return is done on an invoice and A. Add to stock is selected, when the part is added to Inventory, the margins are incorrect

Bug 8416: Bug 8416 - When adding back order qty to a non-inventoried part from F4 Edit on the invoice, and the PO is received, the qty on the invoice is incorrect

Bug 10479: Bug 10479 - Measured Items: Itrans not calculating the decimal correctly

Bug 10480: Bug 10480 - Accounting Report not correctly limiting by date range entered

Detailed release notes for 2.1.1043


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Bug 8266 - When a return is done on an invoice and A. Add to stock is selected, when the part is added to Inventory, the margins are incorrect

APPLICATION:  PTM Vision/Open Orders 

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  When a return was done on an invoice and the user chose to add the Non-inventoried item to stock, the margins were being set incorrectly on the part in inventory.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>


<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision.

  2. Select O. Open orders.

  3. Select the Sales order tab.

  4. Select F2. New to create a new sales order.

  5. Enter customer information.

  6. In the Input field, enter a Non-inventoried part number.

  7. Tab away from the field to access the Search window.

  8. Select X to add the Non-inventoried part to the invoice.

  9. Enter in a Description and Cost of the part.

  10. Select Ok to save the Non-inventoried part to the invoice.

  11. Select Yes to the dialog message that states “You are selling a non stocking part, do you want to back order this item now?”

  12. In the Supplier popup, enter a valid supplier and select OK to create the Purchase order.

  13. Select No to the dialog message that states, “Would you like a drop ship message?”

  14. Select F11 PO.

  15. Line up on the back ordered part from the sales order.

  16. Select O to order.

  17. Select R to Receive.

  18. Select F8. to process the Purchase order.

  19. Return to the invoice and Print/Bill/Close the order.

  20. Once return to the Open orders window, select F2. New and open another order for the same customer.

  21. Select Ctrl+H to access History.

  22. Select Yes to the dialog that states “Limit history to only this customer?”.

  23. Enter the Non-inventoried part from the last invoice.

  24. Line up on the part and select F11. Return.

  25. Select A. Add to stock N Popularity.

  26. In the Add to stock popup, enter a default supplier, min/max, Qty, and Pop code.

  27. Select Ok to save to Inventory.

  28. Select Ok on the Item details popup.

  29. Print/Bill/Close the Return order.

  30. Exit Open orders window and access the Inventory file.

  31. Locate the newly added part from the return order just processed.

    1. Verify all the Item details entered into inventory are correct.

      1. This includes Qty, Min/Max values, Default supplier, and Default margins.

    2. Verify if no Line code exists in Inventory that matches the newly added part, the margins have been set to system default.

    3. Verify if a Line code exists that is the same as the line code for the newly added part, the margins are set according to the existing lineparts margins.



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Bug 8416 - When adding back order qty to a non-inventoried part from F4 Edit on the invoice, and the PO is received, the qty on the invoice is incorrect

APPLICATION: PTM Vision/Open Orders and Purchase Orders  

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  When adding back order quantity to a non-inventoried part from the Item details window on an open order, when the PO was received, we were not correctly adding the back ordered qty to the Invoice or Inventory.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>


<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision

  2. Select O. Open orders.

  3. Select either Sales/Work order tab.

  4. F2. New invoice.

  5. Add a non-inventoried part to the invoice.

  6. Select X to add the item to the invoice when prompted.

  7. Add a Desc, Cost, and then in the BO field, enter 10.

  8. Select yes to the dialog "Back order 10 is greater than the quantity to be sold 1. Would you like to add to Inventory?"

  9. Select Ok to the dialog "No history of purchasing this item Adding 0 to stock"

  10. Enter a valid supplier and select Ok.

  11. Select Ok to save the part to the invoice.

  12. Select F11. PO.

  13. Select O. Order.

  14. Select R. Receive.

  15. Select F8. Process.

  16. Select Yes to the dialog "You are receiving 10.00 and your order is 1.00 Do you want the excess going to inventory?"

  17. Return to the Invoice.

    1. Verify only 1 has been added to the Quantity field on the Invoice.

  18. Access Inventory.

    1. Verify the excess quantity of 9 has been added to inventory.



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Bug 10479 - Measured Items: Itrans not calculating the decimal correctly

APPLICATION:  PTM Vision/Open Orders and Inventory 

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  Measured items being sold on Invoices were not calculating the Quantity correctly in the Itrans report.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**Any previous transactions concerning Measured items are not updated with this change.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision.

  2. Select O. Open orders.

  3. Select F2. New order.

  4. Enter customer account information.

  5. In the Input field, enter a measured item.

  6. In the Qty field, enter 1.10.

  7. Select Alt+F7 to Print/Bill/Close the order.

  8. Repeat steps 3 - 7.

  9. Access Inventory.

  10. F10. Search and locate the measured item used in the steps above.

  11. Select the Qty button in order to access the Itrans report.

    1. Verify the Itrans has calculated both of the transactions correctly according to the measure set on the item.



<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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Bug 10480 - Accounting Report not correctly limiting by date range entered

APPLICATION: PTM Vision/Accounting/Payroll  

PROBLEM SUMMARY:  When the Report payroll report was being ran and a date range was entered, the date range was not being applied to the report.

<<-------------------------------------*SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*------------------------------------>>

**If Vision Payroll is not being used, no testing is required.

<<--------------------*HOW TO VERIFY THAT PROBLEM IS FIXED*----------------------->>

  1. Access PTM Vision.

  2. Select A. Accounting.

  3. Select G. Payroll.

  4. Select C. Report Payroll.

  5. Select C. By Date and enter in a date range.

  6. Select Ok.

  7. Select G. Workers Comp %.

  8. Select Yes to the dialog message “Do you want to limit by date range?”

  9. Select Ok to the following date range popup.

    1. Verify the date range shown in the upper left corner of the report is the same date range entered in step 5.

    2. Verify the data shown is correct for the date range selected.


  • PTM Vision Payroll Module

<<----------------------------*SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION*------------------------------------->>

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  • 07-Jan-2019